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A Surprise

Yusra Tasnim, TWC P6 Student

Tall skyscrapers lined the vast expanse of roads in the city. Cars honked incessantly at each other, and the roads were packed like tins of sardines. A young woman crooned melodiously, in a saccharine sweet voice. “She must be a busker,” I thought. It was a busy Wednesday afternoon and I was out on my lunch break. I looked forward to gobbling the scrumptious food at my favourite fast food chain. My mother droned on relentlessly during our phone call, which I held close to my ear. Torrents of her endless complaints rained down on me. I sighed as I listened to my mother’s chiding, chuckling silently at the same time.

A cool blast of air greeted me as I entered the restaurant. A splatter of red and black was splashed on the walls of the place and bright fluorescent lights gave off iridescent hues. The place attracted both adults and children alike. A tantalising smell wafted through the air and drool began pooling at the sides of my mouth. Despite the snaking queues, I proceeded to join the line as the food here was definitely worth the wait.

After I ended my call, I scrolled through my phone, reading a countless stream of messages and social media posts. Sinking into a sea of boredom, I waited for what seemed like an eternity. How long more would it take before I could finally order my food?

I glanced up, trying to push away the annoyance flaring up in me. At least the queue in front of me had shortened considerably. I counted three people in front of me. All of a sudden, a familiar-looking figure grabbed my attention.

Chestnut hair cascaded down her shoulders like a waterfall. She was lanky, as thin as a stick. She stood in a confident stance at the front of the line, leaning forward to order her food. That was when I heard her oddly familiar voice. “Was that … Jenna?” I pondered, losing myself deep in my thoughts.

Jenna and I had been best friends back in Primary School. We had wanted to keep in touch but times were different. She did not have a phone back then and her mother never allowed Jenna to use hers. Sadly we never met again, till today.

I saw her turn around briefly. Tresses framed her heart-shaped face, her oak brown eyes complementing her hair. I knew it had to be her.

I nibbled nervously at my fingernails. Should I approach her? I desperately wanted to greet her but what if she was cold and unreceptive? Negative thoughts and questions reeled in my mind. The voices in my head debated, engaging in a full head-on battle. I was in a dilemma and tension was paramount.

Mustering every single ounce of my courage, I shuffled hastily towards the front of the line. She was now waiting for her food. I pretended to check out the menu. I then proceeded to give her a glimpse of my face, to see if she remembered me.

“A… Alexa!”

I whipped around to face Jenna. Confusion distorted my face at first but it soon turned into an infectious grin, matching the smile plastered on Jenna’s face. How could I ever have doubted her? She was like a ray of sunshine, illuminating people’s lives. She enveloped me in a warm bear hug.

“How’s life! Long time no see…“ I exclaimed, as she chortled heartily.

“Good, how about you?” she inquired.

From there, we chatted together and ate. Time ticked by in a blur, going as quickly as it came. No words could adequately express how much I had missed her and relished her present company.

Later that day, as I lay in bed as the darkness of night involuntarily crept into my room, a specific poem I recalled hearing somewhere nagged at me.

“Fake friends are like leaves, found everywhere. True friends are like diamonds, precious and rare.”


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